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induced mutation中文是什么意思

用"induced mutation"造句"induced mutation"怎么读"induced mutation" in a sentence


  • 诱导突变
  • 诱发突变:由于诱变剂的处理而产生的突变。


  • Spontaneous and induced mutation occur with animals viruses .
  • Ultraviolet radiation breeding by induced mutation of rhizopus chinensis saito
  • Primary study on induced mutation and breeding of spring wheat with heavy ions
  • Study on laser induced mutation condition of low - diacetyl producing saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Application of induced mutation techniques in the double haploid production of higher plants
  • Environmental mutagens can also induce mutations at undamaged sites and result in the so - called nontargeted mutation
    环境诱变剂引起的突变也可发生在非dna损伤部位,我们称之为非定标性突变( nontargetedmutagenesis ) 。
  • However , environmental mutagens can also induce mutations at undamaged sites and result in the so - called nontargeted mutagenesis
    但是环境诱变剂引起的突变也可发生在非dna损伤部位,它被称之为非定标性突变( nontargetedmutagenesis ) 。
  • After enriching , separating , first - screening and second - screening , induced mutation and screening after induced mutation , five strains capable of producing high fucoidanase activities are separated and selected
    经富集,初筛,复筛,诱变,诱变后筛选,得到5株产酶高活力的菌株。其中菌株a活力最高,酶活达到3 . 68u 。
  • Phenanthrene is one of three - aromatic pahs and distributes in environments widely , which causes diseases of human respiration system and skin , and induces mutation , aberrance and carcinogen of fish and other animals
  • The applications of ion beam technology on the wheat breedings1 were elucidated , the principles and methods of breedings through ion - beam - induced mutation and ion - beam - mediated transgene were summarized and the parameters involved in wheat breedings in detail ware described
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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